
Creators of the most
beautiful wallpapers!

Decor your home today

Brighten up your home with Galaxy wallpapers!

At Galaxy wallpapers, you can find the perfect wallpaper for any room in your home. We offer a wide range of styles from classic to contemporary, in over 1000 patterns. Whether you’re looking for something subtle or something bold, you’ll find it here.

Plus, we’re always available to answer any questions you have over WhatsApp. So start browsing today and find the wallpaper of your dreams!

The Room Collection

Shop wallpapers for beautiful bedrooms, living rooms, office, shops etc.

The Kids Collection

Cute kids room collection to design bedrooms and play areas for your little ones.

The Premium Collection

The 'Sukoon' collection tells tales through its picturesque nuances and visual grandeur.

The Nature collection

Shop wallpapers for beautiful bedrooms, living rooms, office, shops etc.

What makes our wallpaper special is that it is custom-made to fit the exact size of your wall, ensuring a perfect fit every time. Additionally, our wallpaper comes in a wide range of colors that are vibrant and clear, adding a beautiful touch to any room.

We offer an 8-year color warranty for indoor use, and our non-toxic wallpapers are environmentally friendly. We provide help finding professional installers in major cities in India to make the process stress-free. Trust Lifencolors for high-quality, unique wallpaper that meets your design needs.

We are confident that our wallpapers will stand the test of time, and we stand behind the quality of our products. Our wallpapers are non-toxic, making them safe for indoor use, and we are proud to be a carbon-neutral company, ensuring that we are doing our part to protect the environment.


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magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus
et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui.
Bianca Mitchel

Want customization?

Customization is easy with

Galaxy wallpapers

Contact us for design consultation

We specialize in creating custom designs to fit your needs. We can adjust the size and color of many of our existing designs, or create a new custom design just for you.

Whether you have a specific vision in mind or need help creating something from scratch, our team of experienced designers can make it happen.

590, 8th Main Road, 4th A Cross Rd, o
RPC Layout, Vijayanagar,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560040

+91 7795843007